2024 brought many challenges however I'm also utterly grateful for many things - these were the absolute top of the pops for me.
Working with The Dome again, teaching Art, at the beginning of the year, finishing off the 12 week course (that began in September 2023) with a community young people's mural in March. Especially when the fabulous eco paint company, 'Victory Paints' happened to sponsor the project.
As well as running a few different art and sewing activities for children during the latter part of the year, booked in by the Youth Services Manager, Naomi Gelinas and QCCA, including 2 separate 'printing onto products' event and a sewing class. Watching children create their unique designs, with a little guidance and direction from me is very gratifying indeed, stretching my hand at teaching others.
Visiting India.
Our trip to India in April, orchestrated by my ever so thoughtful husband, was in every way, fabulous, fun, creative, wild, exotic and awe inspiring. A craft fuelled colour explosion. We flew into Delhi, visited the Taj Mahal, walked around in the blazing heat. Travelled by train to reach Udapuir, Jaipur, and our last pit stop in Mumbai. Drank lots of delicious chai tea, plus we got to see tigers playing hide and seek behind rocks in their natural habitat at Ranthanbore National Park. A total of 20 days of sheer adventurous bliss. Our little 6 year old champ took it all in his stride, amidst a few meltdowns calmed down by a few mango ice lollies or Indian handicrafts. I highly recommend visiting and I'm definitely longing to return.
Seeing this project come to near completion -
Paying a visit to the special interior design project I was blessed to work on at a small boutique hotel in South Kensington, which is finally nearing completion. A project that we collectively began in 2022, but which had to be put on hold due to a number of unforeseen complications. It sure did test my patience having to wait for this precious moment, however it most definitely delivered on many levels. What began with a few Pinterest pages created during lockdown, came an opportunity to work as an Interior Designer for over a year, a totally new area of work for me. Having a background in Fashion, you wouldn't think that this could be an opportunity, however as a trained artist, with an eye for colour and sustainability, it seemed an easy switch to jump into with both feet and a very happy heart. Standing inside a bathroom which I designed gave me the most wonderful senses of personal achievement, I have ever received.
Our young son attending the wonderful HVH Arts, during the summer school holidays and over Christmas for an amazing experience of art, in all its forms - from illustration and painting on a group canvas, to creating a story and comic book. Each time he came back with a huge smile on his face, showing me all the lovely work he'd created. I believe, like me, he has a fantasticly vivid imagination and these special qualities are really pulled out of him, in the different workshops that HVH Arts offer.
On a different level of joy, was selling new stock at the local Alma Street Fair in NW5, over the summer. Using up previously bought fabric, (from fashion shows gone by), creating lace bags and pretty fashion collars. Having snap shot conversations with various individuals who happen to be visiting the fair, about the stock I create, the back story of creation26, etc. Finding potential new customers is always a plus.
Equally my older sister and her family returned from living in Sydney, Australia to England soil after a number of years away. Catching up on conversations lost and creating new memories.
A quick family trip to Bali, with extended family members, in late October. Swimming in the cool pool, eating scrumptious food on offer, watching our son run around and giggle with his cousins. Seeing my husband catch up with his own precious family.
Am equally very grateful for the continual work with Traid, (spanning over the last 2 years - regularly receiving the opportunity to teach others, (in our small team), how to mend and repair various items, which make them last that little bit longer). We've worked with so many borough's and councils accross London and it's amazing for me to see how many councils are trying to implement ways to help our fellow neighbour live that little bit more sustainable. It builds up community as well as confidence when individuals are given the chance, in person, to be taught how to fix things, especially when some courses are offered at such a big cost. We all love to learn. But sadly if it's not in the available budget, then those things often get pushed aside. We buy the trousers but they don't properly fit. We wear the well loved jacket but the cost of a bespoke repair is not in the budget. We wear out the bag, the zip breaks, we love it so much, we don't want to buy a new one, is there a way we can find, in which to repair it? Over the years, I've witnessed many a problem and many finding the soloution they are looking for. We often think that because it's broken, we need a new one. Yes, for the materialistic appetite, this is perhaps true. But often there are other ways to seek the answer and Traid has been offering this amazing service to the community. Watching people walk out with thier items repaired is such a sweet treasure.
I have to say, I absolutely love Traid. It's a company that I heavily admire. Helping with the over consumption of the endless fashion industry, by collecting stuff that we no longer need, and selling it on through thier charity shops in and around London. Then part of their proceeds are able to fund projects such as 'GoodWeave' in India. (Q) "Preventing child labour in the rug, textile and garment sector".
Quote from thier website: "To date, we've put back 238 million garments into use, saving 647,447 tonnes of CO2 and 110 million m3 of water". How amazing is this. When we do our bit for the planet, it really can heal.
The opportunity to take part in a lovely zine workshop with our son, during the October half term break. An event ran by the 'Copy Club' at Metroland Cultures in Kilburn. Taught by the ever so helpful Heiba Lemara, a small group of us created a communal A5 zine about places that hold sweet memories that's no longer here.
Attending the wonderful Shine program was truly worth it. When I used to attend Hillsong, a fair number of years ago, I often learned about 'Shine' (a charity set up through Hillsong Church, to build up and nuture good roots within women of all nationalities), however it wasn't until this November, that I decided to go and participate. Learning about how to be more compassionate to my inner self and step into becoming the woman God has created me to be. Not because of the setbacks, the challenges, the hurdles, the anxiety I've experienced throughout my life, but because of the grace received, the qualities I have to offer the world, the inner strength I've been granted which in turn gives the platform on which to stand strong. Which allows me to overcome, not just once but over and over and over again. To soar with the eagles, as it is written in Isiah 40 v 31 - "that I will run and not grow weary, that I will renew my strength in the Lord". I mean, who wouldn't want to receive and expect the best for their life? However with wrong thinking patterns, this is quite easily what we end up receiving.
A highlight was being invited to the Christmas party and wreath making activity - all organised through 'Shine', based at HTB, Bromton Road. Our outside door looks so much prettier thanks to this. Am truly blessed. Acts 20 v 35, writes, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". I truly received from Zoe and the selfless heart centered team of women at Shine, who made me truly feel welcome, loved, special and welcome. Not on the surface level but way deeper. How much of a lasting impression it left on my own soul is beyond words. Perhaps like an embracing hug on a bitter cold day.
This is why these activities throughout the year, so deserve a mention. Because it's never really about us, about just me, it's about those we do life with, that makes it that extra bit special. The selfless acts of others, the generous acts of others, the compassionate acts of others, the faith filled acts of others. Many wonderful trips we've encountered as a family isn't because we are rich in pocket. It's because of my husband tirelessly saving away his airmiles and shopping in any way he can, to gain more. Or generous family members, who've digged deep into thier own pockets, and provided for those they hold dear, by organising a get together, where close family can all be together again, regardless of the thousands of miles of distance that holds us apart.
HVH Arts, The Dome, Metroland Cultures - all these are set up to help those struggling with poverty or lower income families, offering amazing arts activities to not only children, but adults, teenagers, or even those retired, all for free. Even the 'Shine' program, was initially set up to help nurture and grow women, to help each and every one move away from internal anxieties of low self worth and step towards a new sense of freedom, purpose and belonging. Giving others & giving me, the chance to grow and shine in our own unique way.
Matthew 7 v 12 writes: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets". So when we take someone on, hire them, offer paid work, we are helping them to grow and flourish. Even when we've never worked with them before, by saying yes, we are offering them a chance to show thier true colours. The skills within. Their own heart desires to become a reality.
I actually believe there is a part 2 to this, as a few I haven't yet mentioned, including my group mentor & leader, Marcin Marczak and the new company I'm now working for, Wild Magic. However I will leave it for now.
Happy reading.
Stay grateful.
Be the best you, you can be and never cease to learn - from young and old, we can learn so much from each other.
God bless you greatly.