Hello and welcome to my page / blog / update …. blah blee blah is what you really call it!!!! I am quite new to wordpress so its a step by step learning process, however all is good. I sometimes look at all the amazing pages that some people create on here and I think WOW HOW DID YOU DO THAT? … but then I smile sweetly inside because I think my small attempt is still twee. I am a creative individual so the process is always just as much fun as the final finale. Travelling, exploring, gathering information, digesting it, mixing it up a little, adding a few spices and hey presto.
I am an artist, a painter, an illustrator, a print designer (my main aim is this), a fashion designer, a poet, a writer (for myself and this wordpress site) and above all a fairly off the wall individual who is utterly blessed with all the amazing people that cross my path. Some who walk for a short while, some who stay around for a lot longer – luckily who don’t go crazy in the process – even when I do forget things, get a little dis-organised, anxious or possibly slightly late – all, of course, is a day to day improving, sharpening, equipping, strengthening, getting better!
If anyone is intrigued, inspired, interested, wants to know more, leave a comment, express ideas …. follow me on twitter or facebook under my company name creation26.
Best Wishes and God Bless.